quinta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2007

Faltava a Eurovison ... um dos principais concorrentes

Eurovision Broadcast Services

Multilateral Distribution Services For more than 50 years, Eurovision has successfully distributed multilateral coverage of the most important international events. A community of more than 300 broadcasters around the world is immediately connected to Eurovision's
worldwide satellite and fibre network. Eurovision operates a global network which is standard/high definition capable, providing multichannel audio (surround sound) and a sound quality up to Dolby-E standards. Unparalleled Eurovision know-how ensures a trouble-free, on-air delivery of any event, from the Winter and Summer Olympics to the Tour de France, the Eurovision Song Contest and the New Year's Day Concert in Vienna.

Relationship management with host broadcasters, federations, event organisers and broadcasters
Quality, reliability and security, backed by Eurovision's experienced operational teams
Access to Eurovision's
worldwide satellite and fibre network
Direct access to a community of 300 broadcasters worldwide
Programme promotion to Eurovision's worldwide network of broadcasters
Dedicated circuits for personalised coverage
Highlights production for broadcast distribution
Multimedia options
24 hour booking service
Online access to
real-time transmission status
Tailor-made services

quarta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2007

A única concorrente portuguesa diga do nome

O que é a LUSA?
A LUSA é a maior agência de notícias de língua portuguesa. Sete dias por semana, 24 horas sobre 24 horas, a Agência distribui aos seus clientes notícias sobre o que de mais significativo acontece ou vai acontecer em Portugal e no mundo. Além dos seus 200 jornalistas, a LUSA conta com mais 80 jornalistas que com ela colaboram, numa base regular ou eventual, em vários pontos do país e do globo. No apoio a esta actividade, 100 funcionários ocupam-se das funções administrativas, técnicas, comerciais e de logística. Como empresa, a LUSA é uma sociedade anónima com 9 accionistas e maioria de capitais públicos e um volume de negócios superior a 17 milhões de Euros.
O que faz correr a LUSA?

Estar perto e por dentro dos acontecimentos e poder interpelar os seus protagonistas é o que faz correr a LUSA. Jornalistas e repórteres fotográficos procuram a notícia onde quer que ela tenha lugar. O rigor e a rapidez na transmissão das notícias são características da Agência.Para isso a LUSA dispõe de delegações ou correspondentes em todas as capitais de distrito de Portugal e nos concelhos das áreas metropolitanos de Lisboa e Porto. Tem também delegações em Madrid e Bruxelas; Bissau, Praia, Luanda, Maputo e Joanesburgo; Díli, Macau e Pequim; e em S. Paulo. E conta com correspondentes em mais de três dezenas de cidades nos cinco continentes, como Paris, Londres, Genebra, Roma, Berlim e Moscovo; Washington, Brasília, S. Paulo e Rio de Janeiro; Rabat e Telavive; ou em Sidney.A LUSA troca notícias com as principais agências internacionais e é fundadora da EPA, uma agência de fotografia europeia que opera em todo o mundo.
Quem são os clientes da LUSA?

Todos os jornais portugueses de expansão nacional, as rádios de expansão nacional e as três empresas de radiotelevisão. Muitos dos jornais e das rádios regionais. Alguma imprensa semanal e muitas dezenas de órgãos de comunicação social que se destinam às comunidades portuguesas espalhadas pelo mundo. Toda a imprensa desportiva e alguma imprensa especializada. Jornais, televisões, agências e rádios dos países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa. Diversos organismos e instituições, públicos e privados. Cerca de 400 operadores de instituições financeiras e ainda vários clientes individuais que consultam os nossos serviços gratuitos ou por subscrição. É um universo de perto de um milhar de clientes permanentes, incluindo ‘sites’, portais e edições "on-line" portugueses, brasileiros e africanos.

Principais Concorrentes Estrangeiros

As missões da AFP A marca AFP garante aos clientes da agência uma qualidade editorial que vem fazendo a reputação da agência desde 1835.
A AFP no mundo 110 escritórios e mais de 50 correspondentes locais em 165 países com cinco grandes sedes regionais.
As equipes da AFP Mais de 2.000 funcionários de 81 nacionalidades diferentes dos quais 900 trabalham no exterior.
Os serviços da AFP Agence France-Presse produz entre 400.000 e 600.000 palavras diariamente. 700 fotos e 50 gráficos por dia.

La primera agencia de noticias en español y la cuarta del mundo, con más de sesenta años de trayectoria que avalan su imparcialidad, su potencia, su credibilidad y su inmediatez.

Una empresa informativa multimedia con una red de periodistas mundial, donde más de tres mil profesionales de 60 nacionalidades trabajan 24 horas al día desde más de 180 ciudades de 110 países y con cuatro mesas de edición en Madrid, Miami, El Cairo y Río de Janeiro, para ofrecer sus productos a clientes en los cinco continentes.

EFE distribuye 3 millones de noticias al año en los diferentes soportes informativos: texto, fotografía, audio, video y multimedia, que llegan diariamente a más de dos millares de medios de comunicación en el mundo.Ofrece instantáneamente desde su red mundial de delegaciones y corresponsalías, la visión latina del mundo en español, portugués, inglés, árabe y catalán.

Más del cuarenta por ciento de la información internacional de agencias publicada en América Latina es de EFE.EFE cuenta en América con 761 clientes: 218 periódicos, 73 emisoras de radio, 201 revistas, 49 cadenas de televisión y 63 medios digitales.

El archivo gráfico de EFE almacena 13 millones de documentos en placas de cristal, negativos y diapositivas. Con 1,7 millones de fotos desde finales del siglo XIX hasta la actualidad, la Fototeca de EFE es la puerta de entrada al mayor archivo gráfico del mundo de habla hispana. Un material que se enriquece con más de mil fotos diarias.

The Associated Press is the backbone of the world's information system serving thousands of daily newspaper, radio, television and online customers with coverage in all media and news in all formats. It is the largest and oldest news organization in the world, serving as a source of news, photos, graphics, audio and video.

AP's mission is to be the essential global news network, providing distinctive news services of the highest quality, reliability and objectivity with reports that are accurate, balanced and informed. AP operates as a not-for-profit cooperative with more than 4,000 employees working in more than 240 worldwide bureaus. AP is owned by its 1,500 U.S. daily newspaper members. They elect a board of directors that directs the cooperative.

The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. Founded in 1846, AP today is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. On any given day, more than half the world's population sees news from AP.

sábado, 17 de fevereiro de 2007

A página de hoje

Additional revenue growth

"Core Plus":
Reuters sees four key opportunities for further growth beyond its core business. These allow Reuters to expand its addressable market from £6 billion p.a. to £11 billion p.a. and target higher growth areas.

1-Electronic trading
A key trend across the financial markets is that trading is moving from the phone to the screen. Reuters is an established provider of electronic trading systems - its Dealing 3000 product supports an 18,000 strong trading community in inter-bank (dealer-to-dealer) foreign exchange. As dealer-to-customer trading goes electronic, Reuters will launch a multi-asset trading platform for markets including fixed income, derivatives, commodities and energy. Reuters has already started building its presence in these dealer-to-customer markets with the launch of four new systems in 2005, including Reuters Trading for Fixed Income.

2-High value content
Structural changes in the financial markets, including the move to electronic trading and restructuring of sell-side research, are creating demand for new types of content. Reuters will introduce new content sets that provide context, analysis and insight to supplement the news, quotes, company fundamentals and research it currently provides.

3-A new approach to selling content and transactions services to whole enterprises
One of Reuters key competitive strengths is the relationship it has built with customers over two decades by selling enterprise-wide services such as datafeeds and market data systems. Reuters now plans to market these enterprise capabilities more cohesively and sell suites of components, designed to meet a greater proportion of customers' needs in specific growth areas such as algorithmic trading.

4-New markets
Reuters plans to increase investment in new markets. It is scaling up its operations in China and India, building an online presence through reuters.com, mobile phones and IPTV to reach individual investors; and targeting growth in trading of new asset classes such as emissions, weather derivatives and property for further opportunities to launch electronic trading systems.

Estratégia da Reuters

Reuters goal is to be the information company our customers value most, by offering indispensable content, innovative trading services and great customer service.Steady Growth and further transformation in the core business.Reuters growth prospects are built on a core business re-invigorated by the company's Fast Forward programme. It serves the £6 billion p.a. market for financial information and related services, which has an expected long term growth rate of 2-4%. Through sales of Reuters desktops and enterprise-wide datafeeds, Reuters expects its core business to grow in line with the market.Reuters intends to continue to transform its core business after completing Fast Forward to continue to improve time to market, product quality, network resilience and service. New initiatives announced include concentrating product development into fewer centres; continuing to improve the timeliness and breadth of Reuters data by streamlining content management; modernising customer administration; and simplifying Reuters network of data centres.

quinta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2007

A Reuters também promove blogs

Como agência de infomação que é a Reuters tem plena consciência da importância das novas tecnologias e da forma como elas influeciam as opiniões.

Por isso os blogs criados pelos jornalistas da empresa, são disponibilizados no site ...

Dêem uma espreitadela, são interessantes ... o mundo de diferentes perspectivas.

De Novo o Iraque na 1ª página

quarta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2007

terça-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2007

Mais algumas coisas sobre a agência ... agora em português

Hoje em dia, quase todos serviços noticiosos são subscritores da Reuters.
A Reuters tem mais de 18000 funcionários que operam em 204 cidades e fornece textos em 19 línguas.
Desde o seu nascimento, a Reuters continuou a crescer rapidamente, alargando os seus produtos de negócios e expandindo a sua rede de reportagem global para os serviços media, financeiros e económicos. Recentes lançamentos de produtos-chave incluem: Equities 2000 (1987), Dealing 2000-2 (1992), Business Briefing (1994), Reuters Television para os mercados financeiros (1994), 3000 Series (1996) e o serviço Reuters 3000 Xtra (1999).
A meio da
década de 90, a companhia teve um breve aventura no sector da rádio com duas estações da London Radio, London News 97.3 FM and London News Talk 1152 AM, que substituíram a LBC em 1994. O serviço Reuters Radio News foi criado para competir com a Independent Radio News.
Reuters technology enables its 427,000-strong client base to access real-time data on 5.5 million financial records including equities, bonds and derivatives from 258 exchanges and over-the-counter markets. Market prices, news and data are updated as much as 8,000 times a second and distributed instantaneously. The company provides historical information on over 40,000 companies. In addition, more than 30,000 headlines, including third party contributions, and over eight million words are published daily in 19 languages. Reuters provides technology which helps its financial customers serve their clients better and to achieve greater efficiencies and cost-savings in the processing of information within their organisations.

Marcos Históricos

Soviet Withdrawal from Afghanistan, Helen Womack, 1988
D-Day Landings, Doon Campbell, 1944

Bombing of Bagdad, Patrick Noirmont

The Berlin Wall, Adam Kellett-Long, 1961

Um pouco de história

October 1851 -Paul Julius Reuter, a German-born immigrant, opened an office in the City of London which transmitted stock market quotations between London and Paris via the new Calais-Dover cable. Two years earlier he had used pigeons to fly stock prices between Aachen and Brussels, a service which operated for a year until the gap in the telegraph link was closed.
Reuters, as the agency soon became known, eventually extended its service to the whole British press as well as to other European countries. It also expanded the content to include general and economic news from all around the world. The reputation of its service was enhanced by a succession of reporting scoops. For example, in 1865 Reuters was first in Europe with news of President Lincoln’s assassination in the United States.As overland telegraph and undersea cable facilities developed, the business expanded beyond Europe to include the Far East in 1872 and South America in 1874.
During both World Wars, Reuters came under pressure from the British government to serve British interests. In 1941 Reuters deflected this pressure by restructuring itself as a private company. The new owners, the British national and provincial press, formed the Reuters Trust, with independent trustees. The Trust preserves Reuters independence and neutrality. The principles of the Trust were maintained and the power to enforce them was strengthened when Reuters became a public company in 1984.

A página de hoje da Reuters

1ª Experiência bolguista

Ora aqui está!!

Depois de muitas dificuldades criadas ela letra R, lá vamos com a Reuters.
O que se passa no mundo à distância das pontas dos nossos dedos ...